Wheelchair basketball and sports activities, as well as the skills you acquire over time, give you confidence and self-confidence.
Lisa Nothelfer | Wheelchair basketball player

Even if there are days or weeks that are anything but good, there are times when all the work pays off.
Felix Streng | Para athlete

My family and friends support and motivate me tremendously. They see me as a competitive athlete who tries to show what is possible, whether disabled or not.
Alhassane Baldé | Competitive athlete in wheelchair racing

I'm not doing this just to win, I'm doing this to move forward personally.
Birgit Kober | Para shot-putter

If there are setbacks, the will to develop myself and to do better next time motivates me.
Catharina Weiß | Wheelchair basketball player
What are you fighting for?
Everyone has their own goals. And for them you give everything. But behind every goal there is also a way of preparation. This way is not always easy and maybe it is not always fun, but you know what you are doing it for. The daily efforts unite with your unbending will. Your hard training lets you grow. You give everything, fair and honest. #Whatareyoufightingfor?
Lisa and Felix give us an insight into their unbending will to give everything. They fight: for their passion, for their sport, for their goals, #forcleanperformance. Together with us and the National Paralympic Committee Germany (NPC), the two stand up #forcleansport within the framework of the Wheelchair Basketball World Championships and the World Para Athletics European Championships 2018.
What are you fighting for? #Forcleansport! On August 13, 2018, you'll learn what's behind the campaign. Be curious and check it out on https://alles-geben-nichts-nehmen.de/en/translate-to-en-die-initiative/translate-to-en-unsere-kampagnen/para-sport-campaign-2018
What are you fighting for? In the spot Lisa and Felix show you what they are fighting for. Take a look and tell us what you're fighting for! #GIVEEVERYTHINGTAKENOTHING
Find out more about the campaign athletes in their profiles and in the blog on this page.
The Profiles
Felix Streng sprints #forcleansport
(August 13, 2018). At the age of 23, Felix Streng has already celebrated several sport highlights. For the Paralympics winner of 2016, #GIVEEVERYTHINGTAKENOTHING applies in training and competition. That's why he is setting an example #forcleansport together with us and the NPC. Find out more about Felix here.
My profile
My age: 23
My sport: athletics - 100m sprint, 200m sprint, 4x100m sprint (relay) and long jump
My club: TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen
When did I start the sport? I only started athletics when I was 17 years old, so I'm a lateral entrant.
My greatest sporting successes: The 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. There I won gold with my relay colleagues in the 4x100m relay and over 100m as well as in the long jump I won bronze.
(August 13, 2018). She fights #forcleanperformance, for her passion, for her team, for the future of her sport. Lisa Nothelferin sets an example #forcleansport. For her, #GIVEEVERYTHINGTAKENOTHING applies both at the Wheelchair Basketball World Championships in Hamburg and beyond! In this blog you will find a short profile about Lisa.
My profile
My age: 25
My sport: wheelchair basketball
My club: RBC Cologne 99ers
When did I start the sport? 2012
My greatest successes: WM 2015 in Beijing u25 national team
The Blog
Lisa Nothelfer dribbles #forcleansport
"The first time in 2015 in Beijing to sing your own anthem in a German jersey." - a moment Lisa Nothelfer wouldn't want to miss in her sport. Experiences that require fair and honest sport. Even if joy and suffering are often close, the 25-year-old wheelchair basketball player gives everything for her sport - fair and honest. In our joint campaign with the NPC, she stands up #forcleanperformance. Where does Lisa see herself in 5 years and which Sportidol would she like to meet? Lisa answers these and many more questions in this blog. Learn more about the national player.
Follow Lisa online:
Facebook Lisa Nothelfer
Instagram @lisa.nothelfer
Learn more about Lisa
(August 15, 2018). Has Lisa met her Sportidol already? And what values does she associate with her sport? We asked her, read her answers to the questions below.
If you had the chance to meet one of your sports idols (dead or alive), who would that be and why?
"There is no such thing as a sports idol, but there are extremely talented wheelchair basketball players, such as Patrick Anderson. He is even called the wheelchair basketball player at all. However, I already had the chance this year at the Continental Clash in Sheffield and will certainly meet him again in Hamburg".
What was the best decision you made in your sporting career?
"Nevertheless, to continue my professional life in order to always have a firm foothold and enough security".
Which moments in your sport do you not want to miss?
"To sing your own anthem for the first time in 2015 in Beijing in your German jersey."
What values do you associate with your sport?
"Wheelchair basketball and sporting activity, but also the skills you acquire over time, give you self-confidence and confidence. In a way, you distinguish yourself with it. But it is certainly also a balance to work and university life."
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
"I will be extremely satisfied with my vocation."
(August 15, 2018). "Even if there are days or weeks that are anything but good, there are times when all the work pays off," Felix expresses with motivation. Achieving his goals is not always easy. Felix trains hard for it, shows strong will and fights - #Forcleanperformance, for honest success, for his goals. In this article, the athlete who will be competing for Germany at the 2018 World Para Athletics European Championships shows us why it is worth fighting for clean performance. Check it out.
Follow Felix online:
Instagram @felix.streng
Facebook Felix Streng
Twitter @FelixStreng
Learn more about Felix
What does Felix enjoy most about his sport and what is his motto in life? He told us about it.
What do you enjoy most about your sport?
"Even as a little boy it was hard for me to keep my legs still and even today I still look forward to my training every day, to move and new challenges always motivate me! I also love the competitions, especially the sprints over 100m: When all athletes wait in their starting blocks at the starting line for the shot and then it starts. This moment simply shows how much energy there is in sport and brings pure thrills every time."
What values do you associate with your sport?
"Particularly in athletics, where people with and without disabilities meet, mutual respect and appreciation are very important. Courage, willpower and stamina are also values that are strongly represented in Paralympic athletics, because we don't always have to deal with the simplest conditions."
Why do you do the sport you do?
"The feeling of getting everything out of yourself every day anew, of giving everything and growing beyond what is possible in competitions are the challenges of sport that appeal to me."
Do you have a life motto that motivates you even in bad times?
"I try to keep the big picture in mind. Even if there are days or weeks that are anything but good, there are times when all the work pays off."
Behind the Scene – the filming
What did the shoot look like behind-the-scenes ? In this article you will find some pictures from our shooting day with Felix and Lisa.
Alhassane Baldé, competitive athlete in wheelchair racing on the middle distance, gives everything on the track and fights #forcleanperformance. At 2018 World Para Athletics European Championships in Berlin he won the silver medal over 5000m. In this blog post he tells us what he would recommend to his younger self and who motivates him the most. #Whatareyoufightingfor? Click through
My profile
My age: 32 years
My sport: Wheelchair racing medium distance (athletics)
My club: SSF Bonn
Active since: 1991
(Almost) always at my side, my coach Alois Gmeiner
Learn more about Alhassane
(September 27, 2018). Alhassane is committed to fair and honest competition - #forcleanperformance. We asked him a few questions, which he answers in this blog post.
Alhassane, what would you recommend to your younger self today?
"More patience and calmness - your time will come.?"
How do you deal with stress and failure?
"In such moments it is important to have a backup and find strategies to motivate yourself. My backup is my great family and my friends. I can count on their advice and support. I also try to recharge my batteries and refocus myself by consciously taking a break".
What do your friends and family say about your sport?
"My family and friends support and motivate me tremendously. They see me as a competitive athlete who tries to show what is possible whether disabled or not".
?Picture by Dennis Wilhems / Instagram @denniswilhelmsphotography
Follow Alhassane online:
Website http://www.alhassane-balde.de/
Instagram @albalde
Facebook @daracingbalde
Twitter @racingbalde
"I'm not doing this just to win, I'm doing this to move forward personally." #Whatareyoufightingfor? Para shot-putter Birgit Kober tells us in this blog what she fights for. Because sport is more than a hobby for her: "Sport has given me a second life". Find out more about the 2018 European Champion here.
My profile
My age: 47
My sport: athletics/shot put
My club: at the moment still...TSV 1860 Munich...after the change period in this year: BSG Bad Oeynhausen
Active since: my youth 11 years (not disabled) ... I got into the wheelchair at the age of 36 ...active beginning of competitive sports at 38 years, so now for 10 years
Learn more about Birgit
(October 1, 2018). "The joy of sport and training" are important pillars for Birgit, who won gold at the 2018 World Para Athletics European Championships in Berlin with a world record in shot put. Here she answers further questions:
What do you like about shot put?
"Shot put is a very technical sport and I think it's great that I can tinker so much with the individual movement sections. It's fun to gradually put them back together again and see how the work on a small scale affects the big picture. Shot put teaches me a lot of humility to myself and it's fantastic to see the ball really fly when you hit it perfectly".
How do you motivate yourself to continue in bad times?
"Actually, I don't have to motivate myself much. Sport has given me a second life. Sport helps me to overcome limits that I never thought possible. Sport somehow frees me. I don't do it just to win, I do it to move forward personally".
What advice would you give younger junior athletes?
"I think everyone has to find their own way, e.g. also in the preparation for competitions, there is not THE patent recipe for me. One thing I know for sure is that for me there are different pillars on which everything stands: one is definitely "the joy of sport or training". I think, why I am a little more relaxed in competition is, because I go into this competition with an uncanny joy. Don't build up pressure (any pressure) that you can't withstand for any reason. All that matters is you, your performance and that you have a good time. Then comes the looseness and what is in you becomes free in competition.
A basic pillar: Don't set yourself too high goals at the beginning! Start realistically, but also not too low and then increase it slowly. Nothing is worse than to fail at your own goals.
A further pillar is: Always integrate practicing "the emergency case competition" in your training sessions. If you are at the end of a training, then try (every now and then) to bring out the best. Because in competition nobody asks, you have to be able to do that. And for me an extremely important pillar: "Apply good concentration strategies."
Follow Birgit online:
Website https://www.birgitkober.de/
Facebook @throwholic
Twitter @throwholic
Instagram @throwholic
?Pictures by Jörg Farys/Gesellschaftsbilder.de
Instagram @derprojektor
Facebook @agentur.dieprojektoren
Pictures of Birgit and her sport
Catharina Weiß – under the basket for clean performance
The national player Catharina Weiß, who also dribbles for RSKV Tübingen in the 2nd Wheelchair Basketball Bundesliga South?, shows what it is worth fighting for in a fair and honest way: so that the fun does not get lost at the sport! Read more about Catharina's engagement #forcleanperformance in this blog.
My profile
My age: 18 years
My sport: wheelchair basketball
My club: RSKV Tübingen
Active since: first season 2012/2013
Learn more about Catharina
(16 October 2018). We have asked the 2018 World Cup third ? questions about her sport and her motivation, which she answers in this blog #forcleanperformance.
Catharina, what was the best decision in your sporting career?
"The best decision in my sporting career was that I generally decided for this sport and that I took the step to Heidelberg (SGK Heidelberg) for the 2015/2016 season to play in the 2nd Bundesliga there.
What motivates you not to give up even when there are setbacks?
"I'm motivated by the will to develop myself further and to do better next time".
What advice would you give young athletes?
"I would tell them never to lose the fun of the sport."
Follow Catharina online
Instagram @catha_weiss
?Pictures by Werner Schorp
Follow Team Germany Wheelchair Bsketball online
Website www.teamgermany.net
Facebook @teamgermany
Instagram @teamgermanyrollstuhlbasketball
Twitter @TeamGermany_DRS