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14. February 2023

#Forpureperformance at Biathlon World Championships

Four biathlon fans with Germany flag in photo booth

With the live tool for GIVE EVERYTHING, TAKE NOTHING, we were on site at the Biathlon World Championships on February 11 and 12, 2023.


Bei eisigen Temperaturen habt ihr inin unserer Foto-Aktion ein Zeichen #fürsauberenSport gesetzt, euch zu wichtigen Themen #fürsaubereLeistung informiert und euer Anti-Doping-Wissen in unserem Quiz getestet. Unten in der Galerie findet ihr euer Statement-Bild. Ladet es euch kostenfrei runter und teilt es mit unserem Hashtag in den sozialen Medien: #ALLESGEBENNICHTSNEHMEN


In icy temperatures at #Oberhof2023 you made a statement #forcleansport in our photo booth, informed yourself about important topics #forpureperformance and tested your anti-doping knowledge in our quiz. You can find your statement picture in the gallery below. Download it for free and share it on social media with our hashtag: #GIVEEVERYTHINGTAKENOTHING